Check out my Green Business Directory!
Ever feel overwhelmed looking up a service provider for what ever ails you? There are just too many people doing the same thing out there in the intrawebs! How do you choose the right ? And how do you know you’re getting quality service? So I’ve created this Green Business Directory for your convenience.
Over the next few months I plan on interviewing many of these providers and posting my findings on this blog. You will then have the luxury of reading and watching videos uploaded to this page. You can then contact with whom ever you feel a connection. Each one of them will include their contact information, either office phone, email or website. It will be up to you to contact them and make arrangements to meet. All I do is introduce you to those I personally have done business with and LOVE what they have to offer.
Because I’ve done business with each one you’ll get a chance to get my 1st hand review. I wont post anyone on here I don’t feel will give you the best customer service and the best products! Here is a small list of service providers I intend start with. Please subscribe to my blog so you get updates as they happen.
Hear from the Experts!

Individual Interviews coming soon!
1. Erika Mmorgan, Steeped Tea, high quality lose leaf tea – [email protected]
2. Chris Camps Mastin, Chris Mastin Senegence Intl. – [email protected]
3. Tamara Bennett, Beautycounter – [email protected]
4. Nicole Donati, Yoga Instructor & Owner of Treetop Yoga – 805-266-6391
5. Michelle Sala, Holistic Health Coach at Michelle Sala Integrative Health Coaching – 805.588.6159